Aluminium International Today News
Stromag brake takes the heat on aluminium smelter pot tending machine
With superheated molten metal moving through the facility, aluminium smelters need equipment that operates at the highest level of reliability.
Take a look at how Stromag approached the challenge of ensuring a consistent braking performance in an aluminium smelter pot tending machine.
For more information, visit:
02 February 2022 -
Fifty years and still on a roll
The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) has been key to bringing the industry together on shared purpose over the last 50 years. In celebration of its 50th Anniversary, Aluminium International Today will share a series of articles, looking at the establishment of the IAI and the past and future challenges still faced by its members.
26 January 2022 -
Adaro to commence building aluminium smelter at Indonesia’s Green Industrial Park
According to reports, Adaro Energy (Adaro) has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) to Invest US$728 million to build an aluminium smelter at the world's largest Green Industrial Park located in Indonesia, which is being developed by PT Kalimantan Industrial Park.
Located in Bulungan Regency in North Kalimantan province, the aim of the park is to attract producers of high-tech and precision products such as lithium-ion batteries, semiconductors, solar panels, green aluminium, and industrial silicon, among many others.
12 January 2022 -
Improving safety, emissions rates and energy efficiency with the latest safety shut-off technologies
Two of the highest priorities across today’s furnace industry are protecting people and the environment. Facilities that use furnaces for heat-treating processes, including melting, smelting and reheating furnaces or vertical hearth, galvanizing and surface treatment furnaces, seek solutions that offer better combustion safety and energy efficiency. Manufacturing and operating furnaces that are safer and produce fewer emissions start with specifying components that improve safety and energy use.
Mr Asaël Hervet-Binois, Product Marketing Manager, Combustion, EMEA, Emerson, Talks more on this.
17 December 2021 -
The Isle of Harris Distillery refill project
The Isle of Harris is a small island in the Outer Hebrides, off the far north-western coast of Scotland, on the edge of the wild Atlantic Ocean. The Isle of Harris Distillery, or the Social Distillery as it is often referred to, was opened in October 2015, in the small harbour village of Tarbert.
The Refill Project was created to address the growing demand from customers to allow them to keep the award- winning, treasured glass Isle of Harris Gin bottle instead of throwing it out. Isle of Harris Distillery began exploring the potential of new refill solutions by experimenting with aluminum as a high-quality material with exceptional recyclability, lightness, and excellent carbon footprint figures.
15 December 2021 -
Tenova TRGX regenerative and TRGSX self-regenerative flameless burners
The current discussion about energy transition and transformation of the steel industry into a climate-neutral sector by 2050 is mainly focused on the decarbonization of steel production.
In order to be in line with industry’s long-term vision and to contribute to the worldwide general targets of GHG emission reduction, it will be of fundamental importance to adopt a holistic approach that includes low carbon technologies for heating processes associated with the steelmaking downstream furnace operations.
The availability of green electricity is of course crucial to this end, both to reduce emissions and to produce green fuels such as hydrogen in order to replace fossil sources.
Tenova’s approach to being a valuable partner in providing sustainable solutions for end users is part of the continuous development strategy towards the next generation combustion systems.
14 December 2021 -
X-ray technology and CO2 reductions - how are the two compatible?
Denmark’s Environment Minister Lea Wermelin and Henrik Grand Petersen, CEO of Stena Recycling, officially opened the new “X-ray Sorting Centre” in Roskilde. Afterwards, Steinert spoke to Stena’s Outbound Sales Manager Jesper Fournaise about how exactly dry density separation using x-ray transmission fits with the issue of sustainability.
09 November 2021 -
Secondary aluminium producers: a new range of saws to open up new opportunities
Extruders, remelters and distributors of secondary aluminium often find it difficult to find band saws adapted to their needs. The machines available on the market are mostly designed for ferrous metals such as steel or inconel and require adaptations that are not always optimal to meet the needs of aluminium sawing.
Sermas provides the industry with a solution.
03 November 2021 -
Getting the competitive edge in manufacturing
The future of automation and mechanical engineering undoubtedly lies in the unstoppable digitisation of data. In today’s modern production process, it is becoming increasingly inefficient to use single-purpose equipment for individual processes, with its high costs and insufficient productivity.
Noel Sheppard and Paola Hopwood discuss how manufacturers can realise the benefits of edge computing through network automation.
03 November 2021