A new, expanded educational safety event, developed by the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) in cooperation with the Aluminum Anodizers Council (AAC), the Aluminum Association (AA), and the Aluminum Recyclers Council (ARC), promises to provide comprehensive and valuable information related to safety in the aluminium industry.

The Aluminum Safety Summit, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15 and 16, 2019, at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, is a wide-ranging educational event that addresses issues related to aluminium extrusion, anodizing, recycling, casting and aluminium industry safety improvement opportunities.

“There are many safety events presented throughout the manufacturing industry, but the Aluminum Safety Summit was designed to fill a need to address safety concerns specific to the aluminium manufacturing environment,” said AEC Safety Team leader Chip Dollins, Vice President of Operations at Service Center Metals in Prince George, VA.

The educational event, geared toward aluminium industry safety personnel at every skill level, is comprised of sessions covering a wealth of topics, an interactive roundtable discussion and a tabletop expo featuring safety technologies and personal protective equipment (PPE). A dedicated conference website has been launched at AEC.org/AluminumSafetySummit.

The Aluminum Safety Summit is comprised of General Sessions and Breakout Sessions that explore general safety management issues, best practices in safety and topics specific to the aluminium industry. Some of the highlights include:

- Safety Culture and Organizational Change; Gary Higbee, SafeStart
- Chemical Containment and Spill Response; Genny Dwyer, Linetec
- Achieving Safety Excellence through Increased Employee Engagement; Brian Winters, OmniSource, LLC – Div. of Steel Dynamics, Inc.
- Molten Metal Safety; Curt Wells, The Aluminum Association
- Personal Responsibility; Tony Samento, Samento Industrial Training

Case studies covering how a variety of companies in and around the aluminium industry improved their safety practices and records are also featured.