European Aluminium has announced the appointment of Paul Voss as Director General, with effect on 1 February. Mr. Voss will succeed Gerd Götz, who is retiring at the end of March after nearly a decade at the helm of the Association.

“On behalf of all European Aluminium members, I would like to thank Gerd Götz for his unwavering dedication to theAssociation and aluminium industry. During his nine-year tenure as Director General, European Aluminium adopted a long-term sustainability vision based on aluminium’s role in the transition to a low carbon and circular economy. Notableachievements under his leadership include the launch of the industry’s Sustainability Roadmap Towards 2025, Vision 2050 and Circular Aluminium Action Plan, and the establishment of our Innovation Hub. Paul’s strong track record in industry representation and expertise in renewable energy will help European Aluminium strengthen its role in addressing today’ssustainability and industrial challenges,” comments Ingrid Jörg, Chair of European Aluminium.

Paul Voss joins European Aluminium from Euroheat & Power, the association for the European district energy sector, wherehe acted as Managing Director for the past eight years. Mr. Voss is a long-term public affairs and governmental relationsexpert with 20 years of experience in the Brussels and energy sector. Paul Voss has studied in Canada, France and Belgiumand holds a master’s degree in European Public Policy.

“I feel honoured to be appointed Director General during what will be a vital period for both the European aluminiumindustry and the wider project of the European Green Deal. Reconciling the twin imperatives of environmental sustainability and the maintenance of a strong industrial base will be one of Europe’s most important tasks during the coming years and decades, and we fully embrace our responsibility to help make it happen. I look forward to working with policymakers, our members and partners to create a policy framework that enables our producers to transform their sustainability andinnovation ambitions into reality while meeting the growing demand for our metal in a fair and competitive global market.My immediate priorities are ensuring the Fit For 55 Package works for aluminium, elevating our sustainability approach andstrengthening trade defence against unfair practices,” says Voss.

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