Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), is on course to become the world’s largest smelter with Potline 6, achieved an outstanding Safety milestone of 6 million working-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) on Sunday 26 May 2019.

A ceremony to mark this historical milestone was held on Tuesday May 28 and was attended by Alba Deputy CEO, Mr. Ali Al Baqali, the Executive Management, Directors, Managers and employees from various departments.

Commenting on this occasion, Chairman Alba’s Board of Directors, Shaikh Daij Bin Salman Bin Daij Al Khalifa said: “This achievement of 6 million working-hours without LTI, the highest level attained in over a decade, proves that Safety sits at the Heart of Alba. I want to thank every employee and contractor for going above and beyond to reach this milestone. As we move into the hot summer months, we want to raise the bar on safe practices to ensure an accident-free summer.”