Welcome to Furnaces International Online

Furnaces International brings readers a selection of technical features focusing on all aspects of the international furnaces market, as well as industry news and events.

Published quarterly in a digital format, Furnaces International is sent straight to the inbox of more than 25,000 professionals from across the glass, metals and materials industries.

As publishers of Aluminium International Today, Steel Times International and Glass International, we are able to compile this knowledge and bring you the latest developments on:

• Forehearth Technology
• Feeder Technology
• Energy Efficiency
• Hot Repairs
• Maintenance
• Rebuild
• Heat Treatment
• Induction Technology
• Vacuum Technology
• Thermal Processes
• Process Control
• Testing and Measurement
• Graphite Technology


Published quarterly in a digital format, the magazine is sent straight to the inbox of over 25,000 professionals from across the aluminium, steel, and glass industries.

As publishers of Aluminium International Today, Steel Times International and Glass International, we are able to bring you the latest developments and news from across the furnaces industry.

Please click on the following links to subscribe or to find out more on advertising:


The Furnaces International Buyers’ Guide is the essential guide to furnace manufacturers, and suppliers of furnace equipment and services to the industrial heating/process industry.

Providing comprehensive company listings, product information and key contact details, the guide is circulated in the December issue.

For further information or to be listed, please contact:

Esme Horn, Directory Co-ordinator
[email protected]


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